Calvinism 3rd most influential idea that changed the world in 2009

Do you want to know the third most influential idea changing the world in 2009?  It is the “New Calvinism!”  So says Time Magazine.  The article listed 10 ideas changing the world in 2009 and the only religious or evangelical movement on the list is Calvinism.

Read the article here: 10 Ideas that Changed the World in 2009

And read Jonathan Dodson’s brief differences and similarities here:

Answers to homework assignment #1

Here are my answers to last Sunday’s homework assignment:

1.       Make as many observations as you can.  (click attached PDF Mark 11:12-25 observations)

2.       What OT texts does Jesus quote in Mark 11:12-25? 

·         Isaiah 56:7, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations.”

·         Jeremiah 7:11, “Has this house, which is called by My name, but you have made it a den of robbers.”

Why does he quote these texts in this context?/How do these texts shed light on what Jesus is doing in the temple?

·         Isaiah chapter 56 in context is about the salvation for foreigners.  In that chapter foreigners (non-Jews) can come and sacrifice at the temple and it will be accepted by God.  The temple was a place of prayer for all people.  The chapter also says, “The Lord gathers the outcasts of Israel and yet others.”

·         Jeremiah 7:11 was quoted because the defiling of the temple has been done before and Jesus was comparing these people with the people God cast out of His sight in the Old Testament.  In chapter 7 of Jeremiah the Jews broke the 10 commandments but wanted to go to the temple for deliverance from God.

·         With one quote Jesus reminds the officials at the temple what its purpose was and then the next quote puts them in the same category as people that God has nothing to do with.

3.       What is the relationship between the fig tree episodes and the temple episode?

·         A fig tree’s purpose is to product fruit so people can satisfy their hunger.  The temple satisfies people’s spiritual hunger as a place of worship, prayer, and forgiveness.  The fig tree was not producing fruit and the temple was not producing spiritual fruit.  Both were not doing their designed purpose.  Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered.  Jesus also cursed the temple and would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple.

 4.       What is the relationship between the temple episode and Jesus’ teaching in verses 22-25?

·         The temple was a Jew’s access to God.  Jesus curses the temple, and prophesy’s it’s destruction in Mark 13:2.  Thus, Peter’s anxious response to the withered fig tree leads to Jesus “answering” the disciples with God’s new temple and access to God in verses 22-25.  For the Jew, no temple meant no prayer and no forgiveness to God, but Jesus will set up a new way to access God through praying in faith to God (v. 24) and forgiving others so that the Father who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses (v. 25). 

            5.       How can you apply what you have learned in your life?

·         I can directly communicate with God through prayer, asking Him of my needs.  Also, I need to forgive others because it is contingent on God forgiving me (not that salvation is dependent on my works but that I forgive because God has already forgiven me—it is a sign that I am saved; if I do not forgive people then I need to question if I really am saved).  I need to have faith in God that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.  Thank God that I can have access to Him through Jesus Christ.

Reformation Day-third most important Christian holiday

Reformation Day is a religious holiday celebrated on October 31 in remembrance of the ReformationOn October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 theses to the door of a church in Germany.  They were mostly against the practice of indulgences (paying the pope to get yourself or your loved ones out of purgatory.)  This started the Reformation, which led to our being able to read the Bible in English (or whatever you prefer) and all the other freedoms that we enjoy as non-Catholics.  Also, the great doctrine of Justificaiton by Faith Alone came from this Reformation.  Which means, God makes us right, justified, when we put our faith in Him as opposed to going to the Catholic church to receive grace.  Below are some quotes and links to know more about Luther and the Reformation: 

Here are some Luther quotes:
“I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God.”
“If he have faith, the believer cannot be restrained. He betrays himself. He breaks out. He confesses and teaches this gospel to the people at the risk of life itself.”
“Peace if possible, truth at all costs.”
“Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!”

The Pill and the Christian Response

There was a recent comment from a Southern Baptist professor that made local news about the subject of “The Pill.”  You can see his comment in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram October 24, 2008 edition (see link below), in which he said that the pill was “murder.”  There is much confusion among evangelicals in understanding what to do with the pill.  We have some that are indecisive, some that say that “no one can take the pill,” and some that say “the pill is okay to take.” We need to make a prayful, informed decision about the pill but we should not place our God given convictions onto others.  The three short paragraphs are from Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA.  His research is excellent in given us a brief lesson on the pill.  I encourage you to read the full blog on the topic (this will appear latter in a book Religion Saves, which was a series he preached; also, this blog has a plethora of resources to find out more about marriage, sex, planned parenting, abortion, and more) at :

Randy Alcorn argues in “Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?” that there is not one but rather three purposes for birth control pills. First, the pill exists to inhibit ovulation, which is its primary means of birth control. Second, the pill thickens the cervical mucus with the effect that it becomes more difficult for sperm to travel to the egg. Third, the pill thins and shrivels the lining of the uterus so that it is unable or less able to facilitate the implantation of the newly fertilized egg.

The bottom line is this, the first two purposes for birth control pills are contraceptive in nature and therefore acceptable for use by a Christian couple. However, the third use of birth control pills is potentially abortive in that it seeks to disrupt the ongoing life of a fertilized egg. That potentiality is incredibly controversial; thus, faithful Christians who are staunchly pro-life and believe that life begins at conception are divided over the issue. Even Focus on the Family and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA) are undecided on the issue.

Therefore, whether or not a Christian couple should use birth control pills is a very complicated issue on which faithful pro-life Christians and doctors disagree. As a result, it seems legalistic and inappropriate to declare that use of the pill is sinful. Yet, at the same time it seems that Christian couples need to be informed of the potential abortive nature of birth control pills so that they can study the matter further and prayerfully come to an informed decision according to their own conscience and the leading of God the Holy Spirit.

Every time someone takes the pill it is not killing a baby.  It is inconclusive that the pill causes an abortion.  Our doctor says that we should not worry about it because the probability is so low.  If the pill is taken correctly every time, then there should never be implantation.  However, God is sovereign and overcome even the pill to cause birth and people need to be responsible if they decide to take the pill to follow the instructions.  I have met a couple of people who got pregnant while on the pill but did not take it effectively.

Lastly, every couple needs to pray, hear from God and their own conscience, and mutually agree to take the pill or not.  I have several friends that it is their conviction to not take the pill and they do not impose their conviction on me and I do not place my conviction on them.  But we both are honoring our convictions.  Lord help us.

See the Southern Baptist professor’s comments here with a warning by Rev. Dwight McKissic,

Jesus absorbed the wrath of God

“A gospel without propitiation at its heart is another gospel than that which Paul preached (see Gal 1:8),” JI Packer, Knowing God, 182.

I had lunch with a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago and we talked about “Who did Jesus die for or what did Jesus accomplish on the cross?” In short, Jesus died to absorb the wrath of God for believers so that God would look favorably toward us sinful people. When God forgives sin he must punish it or he would cease to be God because he would be a bad judge (Rom 3:25-26; 6:23). We need to stand strong in the gospel, the one that truly takes our punishment, or we may be, like Packer says, preaching another gospel.  Attached is file that has more information on the Atonement of Christ, quotes, and links that will aid your study of salvation-the gospel.

Why did Jesus die? -The Atonement of Christ

Pray for all people & Women respecting the leaders in the church

1 Timothy 3:14-15 says, “I [Paul] hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, 15 if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of truth.”   We are teaching through First Timothy in Sunday school and we are learning how to behave, or act, in the church.  Yesterday we were in chapter two and there were two main points drawn out from this chapter.  The first point is to pray for all people, especially those in high positions like the next president of the United States, so that we may have a peaceful and quiet/untroubled environment to share the gospel with the aim that people will be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth (1 Tim 2:1-4).  The second topic was a more difficult topic; however, we studied the Scripture and we came to a sound position.

 The second point is found in 1 Timothy 2:11-12, “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.”  This is not an outdated command or just applicable to the culture at the time of writing; it has universal truth that applies to every church of God.  The key to understanding this verse to view it in light of the whole book and verses 13-14, which Paul draws back to the original plan of God and not culture for his defense of his bold statement.  First, chapter 3:2 and 5:17 says that elders, who are men, are to teach and rule or have authority in the church.  So, woman are not to be elders or have teaching that relates to author, rather (or instead of, or opposite), woman are to “remain quiet.”  This “quietness” means a respectful and one that honors the leadership in the church.  The quietness and submission does not mean speaking in a way that compromises that authority.  Second, verses 13-14, Paul refers back to God’s original plan and not a cultural example.  God designed that men would be leaders in the church and in marriage, just like Jesus is the head of the church.  In Genesis chapters 2 and 3, God made the man first, gave him responsibility over the animals and to tend to the garden, and then created woman as a helpmate to man.  This is not denigrating, both men and women are made in the image of God and are equal but our roles are different.  We are designed differently for a specific purpose.  Also, Paul says that it was the woman who was deceived and not the man; however, man was held responsible by God for the sin.  And one of the curses woman received for her sin was the desire to rule over her husband but he will rule over her.  Thus, Paul defends that women are not to be elders and teach in an authoritative sense in the church, but they are to respect the leaders.

 If you haven’t noticed, Christianity is the reason women can have jobs that men have and have the right to vote, and other abilities that women do not have in other cultures.  Christianity loves women.  We value women and hold them up like beautiful jewelry.  We are to cherish women.  Women have stepped up where men have lacked in the church but that is not a good thing.  Men need to do their God-given roles.  We need godly men to train other godly men to be the initiators and leaders in the church and the home.  The problems in church and society will not go away unless we do things biblically.  To read more about biblical manhood and womenhood click on the link below.  Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womenhood which covers just about every topic in the Bible related to the roles of men and women

Listen to the Fusion Adult Bible Fellowship lecture at the link below:

Majoring on the minors

Sometimes Christians come across as people who can’t agree on what they believe.  One area that we need to work on is not “majoring on the minors.”  There are doctrines in the Bible that are not clear and is interpreted a number of ways.  These doctrines are secondary issue and do not take away from the validity of the Bible and they should not cause division.  Some of these secondary issues are the timing of Eschatological events, are the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit still active today, should we only sing hymns at church or praise songs, the carpet should be blue, etc.  We are human and we will not agree on everything; however, we need to be united on the majors.


There are a few doctrines in the Bible worth dying for.  i.e., the Bible is the Word of God; Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died as a substitute, rose from the grave, and he’s coming back; God is a Trinity.  Yes, Christians will have differences and we need to put them aside, even criticism from other religious groups and non-religious groups, because ultimately it comes down to Jesus Christ and His glory.  If you insult me, or my beliefs, that does not matter as much as you insulting my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 


Jesus has been attacked from inside and outside of the church.  Some want to diminish his atonement.  They want to say Jesus was a good teacher, or just a good example, but that is insulting.  Jesus claims, and evidence proves, that he was and is Lord God.  And as Lord he demands our worship.  And as our Savior, he died the death that I deserve and you deserve.  But He only died for those who believe in Him.  Many people will pay their penalty for sinning against their Creator God in Hell, but there is a remnant that God has chosen that will receive His grace and walk in newness of life. 


Caution to non-Christians: we have to “major on the majors” because the Bible does.  When you say that we are “narrow minded,” well, we are because the Bible is narrow minded.  For example, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6).  Thus, we believe Jesus is the only way to meet God and go to heaven. 


If we are believers in Christ then we need to work for peace and unity because we are on the same team.  1 Corinthians 1:10 says, “I appeal to you, brothers (and sisters), by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.” 

All of life as Worship

Why do we exist? Isn’t this the ultimate question in the universe?  The answer is that we were created to glorify God by enjoying Him (Isaiah 43:7; Psalm 37:4).  In one word this is called WORHSIP.  This belief is manifestly expressed through praise.  We praise what we enjoy because our delight is incomplete until it is expressed in worship.  Accordingly, all people worship something.  Anything they hold dear and sacrifice is a form of praise and shows what team you are on.  Look at any sporting event.  Tens of thousands of people gather to one place with their team’s colors on, cheering, clapping, yelling, and basically praising their team.  They feel good when they win and bad when they lose.  In itself, being a fan of a sports team is not a sin but when our team becomes ultimate it becomes our god.  This is called idolatry.

Peter Kreft says, “The opposite of worship is not atheism but idolatry.”  Idolatry is the first sin, Adam and Eve thought they could be gods (Genesis 3), so the exchange the truth of God for a lie and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for idols (Romans 1:25, 23).  Idolatry is not only the first sin it is every sin.  1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether you eat, or whether you drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  Idolatry is whatever you hold ultimate, whatever you put above God, and whatever you do not to the glory of God.  The first two of the Ten Commandments speak of this, “You shall have no other gods before me,” and “do not make any idol…and bow down and serve them” (Exodus 20:3-5).  In the Old Testament “bow down” and “serve” are equivalent to the word “worship.”  It was more of an external act.

In the New Testament the idea of worship goes further and it is primarily an internal act and the condition of the heart and mind.  Romans 11:36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. 12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  Matthew 12:34, “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”  Jesus quotes the prophet Isaiah, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me” (Matthew 15:8-9). 

So what hinders worship?  We are far too easily pleased with the trinkets of this world and we settle for little pleasures instead of going for the gold.  It’s like working for a man who tells you how to find gold; he gives you the tools to find it, and pays you a dollar a day.  The thing is, you are unemployed and a dollar a day is a good salary.  And you find gold and give it to your boss and he pays you a dollar and you move on while your boss becomes rich.  The gold of God is right their but we settle for things that will one day end up in a land field.  Where is our treasure?  What do we value?

If we value God then we will do things because we want to and when we do things that we like we receive joy.   This gives God glory.  This is called worship.  God is not after our begrudgingly submission.  He is after our joy because “God is most satisfied in us when we are most satisfied in him” (John Piper).  Do we get excited about God or are we more excited about His stuff?  Our we more excited about seeing loved ones in heaven or the streets of gold or a mansion or not going to Hell than seeing Jesus? 

If you don’t know if you have a worship problem then one area to look is your check book.  Where are you spending your money?  Also, look at what you sacrifice for.  Other questions: What am I most afraid of? What do you long for most passionately? What do you complain about the most? What angers you the most? Do you get mad at God because he took away your “functional savior”? What do you want to have more than anything else? Whose approval do you live for? 

What is the remedy for a worship problem?  Pray.  Ask God to kill you (Galatians 2:20).  Ask Him to give you affections for Him and show you what robs affection for Him.  Then ask Him to awaken afresh new desires for Him.  Avoid.  Avoid the things that rob affection for Him.  This may mean less TV.  Get help.  This is the hardest.  Confess sin to others and ask them to help you get over yourself, your functional savoir, that one thing that you don’t want to get rid of.  Once we are free from this hindrance you will experience so much joy from God that it is unfathomable.  You will know like David, “As the deer pants for water oh my soul thirst for you” (Psalm 42:1).  Store.  “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11).  “Store up treasures in heaven…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:20-21).  Thank God.

Humanity sinned-needs a Savior

This is the last paragraph of McKinney Church’s statement of faith:

We believe that man was created to enjoy a close, intimate relation to God, but that he sinned, and thereby fell under God’s judgment — physically in death, spiritually in alienation from God. All mankind has inherited this state and a sinful nature, which renders him totally unable on his own merit to gain salvation, or to regain his former position of fellowship with God. God’s remedy for man’s ruin is thus entirely of grace through one’s personal trust in what Christ completed for him on the cross.

Please click on the links below to view the class outline and extended notes from the Fusion Adult Bible Fellowship.  The SoF-Doctrine of Man file has extended notes on salvation, including election, regeneration, santification, justification, and perserverance of the saints/preservation of the savior.

Statement of Faith-Humanity class outline

Statement of Faith-Doctrine of Man

Jesus is Fully God & Fully Man

We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and virgin-born to Mary. He died on the cross as our substitute, taking upon Himself the penalty for our sin. He was buried and was physically resurrected to prove the completeness of His work, providing our victory over sin and death.

Jesus had to be fully God in order to live a perfect life and overcome sin and death.  Jesus had to be fully man in order to be our representative and our substitute.  He had two natures in one person.  His perfect righteous life was imputed to us and our sin was imputed to Him.  In His humanity He was tempted in every way yet was without sin; therefore, Jesus is someone who can sympathize and empathize with us and someone we can go to in the hardest of times.  The two links below are the class outline used in the Fusion Adult Bible Fellowship at McKinney Church and the we believe is the full notes that expound on the outline.

 Statement of Faith-Jesus Christ class outline

Statement of Faith-We believe in Jesus Christ