Jesus is Fully God & Fully Man

We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and virgin-born to Mary. He died on the cross as our substitute, taking upon Himself the penalty for our sin. He was buried and was physically resurrected to prove the completeness of His work, providing our victory over sin and death.

Jesus had to be fully God in order to live a perfect life and overcome sin and death.  Jesus had to be fully man in order to be our representative and our substitute.  He had two natures in one person.  His perfect righteous life was imputed to us and our sin was imputed to Him.  In His humanity He was tempted in every way yet was without sin; therefore, Jesus is someone who can sympathize and empathize with us and someone we can go to in the hardest of times.  The two links below are the class outline used in the Fusion Adult Bible Fellowship at McKinney Church and the we believe is the full notes that expound on the outline.

 Statement of Faith-Jesus Christ class outline

Statement of Faith-We believe in Jesus Christ

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